The conversation just got real. I do believe that whatever you have gone through in life, whatever stress factors or circumstances you are currently facing on a day to day basis, has a lot to do with activation of triggers you experience. Since I was a kid, I’ve had a really bad case of anxiety and mild depression. This can lead to the change of mood and behavior in which you can believe the altered emotions are normal. If you really sit back and analyze what you are feeling and ask yourself why????? You should be able to distinguish that maybe it’s not normal.
Growing up it took me time to realize what would trigger my anxiety and at the same time, I learned how to control it in certain situations. First day of school, interviews, and relationships were the main stressors for me. Pretty much anything that put me in a situation in which I was out of my comfort zone, would trigger my anxiety.
- Breathe. Seriously… deep breaths.
- If money is an issue .. consider a pet and some self help books instead of seeking a therapist.
- FUR BABIES! I have two fur babies that assist me in my day to day journey. (& this is coming from a girl who majored in psychology! trust me .. it works.)
- Find a quiet location away from whatever is causing your anxiety. My reading nook at my home and the beach are my favorite places to unwind and destress. (bring some water and some snacks!)
- Be honest about the way you feel around your loved ones… this should help them understand where your emotions might be coming from.
- Pick up a healthy hobby. For example, for me it has been painting, photography, and gardening.
- Yoga, hiking, or just going for a walk works wonders.
- Instrumental or classical music is a good alternative to clear your mind. Find a playlist curated just for de stressing on your streaming service.
- and last but not least… prayer and meditation.