Happy Thursday!
Making yourself proud is the topic of this post (easier said than done right ?). I’m at a place in my life where I feel like I have so much things to accomplish … & it’s frustrating when you compare that to your age (and how you could have started sooner, done it differently, etc.)
I have had to cut out certain expectations I’ve had for myself. Celebrate the things I’ve done right & how far I’ve grown as an individual. Becoming a mom has been one of the biggest milestones for me. The entire process of pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and now just raising a child in itself has been one heck of a learning experience. It’s a tiring but rewarding job and every cliche you have read or heard expressing parenthood carries some truth to it.
Marriage and relationships is another one. Man… it’s tough at times but it’s also a beautiful thing. I have learned so much about myself and my spouse. I have learned to be a lot more patient than I ever thought I could be. Sometimes putting your feelings and wants aside to make something work and find a common ground can be tough. It’s a never ending learning experience in my opinion.
My career is another thing. Being a stay at home mom was never even an option in my mind when I was child-less. But let me tell you… a child will CHANGE everything. Giving up time with her vs. being able to bring in financial support + commuting .. it’s a tough one. I still haven’t decided what to do but I am being patient with myself. I need to not forget to take myself in consideration in this process.
So to you I say… celebrate the things you have done right this far. Be thankful for the things you did not do right because it was all learning experiences. Appreciate everyday new day you have to accomplish your goals regardless how long it takes you to get there. Be happy and take care of you. MAKE YOURSELF PROUD.