Let’s Talk: Postpartum

It’s been thirteen months of recovery, re-discovery & adjustment. I had my baby last June & let me just say that … it’s such a beautiful journey but also exhausting. Just when my body started to get used to the preggo life *Bang* now it’s the process of getting back to “normal” no longer pregnant steph.

The postpartum part of this journey has been BY FAR the hardest thing I ever had to experience. The labor and pregnancy for the most part was smooth sailing. The craziest thing is that even as a young girl, you are instilled this fear of how painful delivering a baby is.. but yet they fail to mention that the healing of it all, is the most painful part!

The woman’s body is such an amazing vessel.

We are able to adjust to different stages in our life, create, birth a human being into existence, & heal. We are pretty awesome.

I lost so much hair 3 months after giving birth-it was such a scary thing for me. I am so happy this new growth is coming in!

Postpartum is usually associated with depression (or so I thought). But in reality, it’s the entire healing process & the side effects that are associated with it. The hormone in-balance is crazy and on top of that, you’re raising a small human! Trust me when I tell you, no matter how many text books you read on this topic..you will never fully know what to do, until you learn it through experience on your own. Every pregnancy is different , every birthing story is different, and also every baby is different. So you need to figure out what works best for you and your baby. While healing all at the same time. It’s a lot for anyone to go through( aannndddd going through it at the start of the pandemic?) I was freaking out. I was learning to adjust not only to a new kind of living but also being paranoid of my baby getting sick just by coming around my loved ones. Such a scary moment in my life. All in all, it was such a beautiful experience and I do see myself doing it all over again. If you do plan on going through this journey (eventually) in the future, remember one thing : be kind to yourself. When looking in the mirror, with the way you feel, with the outcomes that come out of your decisions … be kind. Until next time 


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