2:10 am. We spend a lot of our young life wondering about the future. We spend a lot of our adult life wondering about the past.
What to expect :
A little adventure, some recipes, beauty tips,
and some quotes that I love.
2:10 am. We spend a lot of our young life wondering about the future. We spend a lot of our adult life wondering about the past.
A b o u t. There is something about one of our furry friends: Sharkie. He’s a full breed brindle boxer. Free spirit, Joyful, and
ABOUT The funny thing about this place, it feels a little outdated… or better yet worded.. a plain park. It can go both ways. One
ABOUT This picture was taken while on the road with my brother. He was coming home after months of being away from home due to
ABOUT One thing I am very passionate about is finding new places and being able to photograph them. I am very much an outdoor person
Photography Series: Road trip through Washington.
Photography series: Here a couple of my favorite snaps I was able to take from the jelly fish exhibit. Just wanted to share 🙂 Enjoy.
S A N F R A N C I S C O , C A. lands end | seaside adventure
Downtown chicago Chicago, ILLINOIS Life is beautiful.. Experience it.